George Seldes

George Seldes took the news by the horns. The man took the Fourth Estate to the max with his investigations which no one would touch with a ten-foot pool. He was not afraid to cause a ruckus unlike the media of his time who were not taking their role to heat. They were not shining a light into the shadows of corruption.

If a reporter is doing their job right they will be a thorn in the side of those in power. Seldes exposed those in power who were abusing their position. Bolshevik leaders had him kicked out of the Soviet Union while Mussolini had a hit out on him. This would mean that these leaders did not want the truth exposed. A reporter should never be in bed with a politician and instead should be like Seldes who showed them for who they really are even if it means risking your life.

He went on to show how dangerous the tobacco industry is and the fatal impact smoking can have on a person. He was not afraid of publishing these findings, unlike mainstream newspapers. These companies would be afraid of losing revenue from the advertising of the cigarette ads that were being displayed in their magazines. In a way, the mainstream press of the time was helping the tobacco industry for not exposing the dangers of it. In return for their silence, they were given money funding to carry on publishing.  By working independently, he could make even the slightest noise and get people talking. Isn’t that what journalism is all about?

The fearlessness of George Seldes is a way all reporters should take to their profession. Reporting is more than a few quotes from government officials and so-called facts. There should be bravery to get to the heart of the story and to uncover a wrongdoing. The best way to honor him would be to carry on his legacy to the masses.


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